
Why is this mother drowning her baby?

Why is this mother drowning her baby?

This particularly context is one of the most dramatic scenes of the grand epic of the Mahabharat. Queen Ganga drowning her own newborn son into the waters of the Ganges river of which she is the personifying deity. The concise story is that the celestial river Ganga has been cursed to take birth as a human being on earth. Simultaneously the Vasus, who were great yogis enriched with countless years of penances, incurred a similar curse. As the river goddess and the Vasus were sharing with each other about their common plight while still in their heavenly abode, both parties...

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• Foremost resident of the kingdom of Ayodhya •

• Foremost resident of the kingdom of Ayodhya •

Prince Rama is the illustrious moon-like monarch of the Sun Dynasty; the darling son of King Dasharath & Queen Kausalya. Sage Valmiki, the author of the epic Ramayana in which the glorious life of Lord Rama is extolled, described that King Dasharath performed a special sacrifice to beget children: "Twice 6 months had rolled away since the great sacrifice was over, and, in the first month of the New Year, on the ninth day of the bright fortnight, the Lord of the worlds chose to take human form and sent down half of His essence as the son of Kausalya...

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