About Us

Gm.Nitai and her bay daughter, Su; all smiles despite the challenges of early infancy
Ever since my daughter entered my life I felt this irresistible urge to paint. Prior to that I hadn’t touched my paint brushes for 5 years! Somehow her powerful feminine energy ignited the creative spark in me. Since then I haven’t stopped creating.
My calling is to infuse the vibrancy & wisdom into our every day lives. Hence, my paintings and designs take their roots from sacred traditions. 
gm.nitai for instance, which is short for ‘Guna-Mani Nitai’, is my spiritual alias; I am initiated into the ancient culture of Bhakti. Nitai, meaning the personification of love & compassion, is said to bestow countless good fortune unto anyone who sees, hears or utters this potent combination of syllables.
It is very important for me to feel that whoever comes in contact with my creations are benefitted in one way or the other.
What is the ‘why’ behind my business venture? In 2005 I left Mauritius to pursue my tertiary studies in Melbourne. 5 years later, I graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce, specialising in Accounting & Finance. My dream was to integrate the corporate world. As fate would have it however, I was diagnosed with a chronic condition (Lupus type) which means that my health was quite precarious, to say the least. My self-esteem was totally crushed & my mental health took a huge dip. 

The arrival of my first-born (that’s him in the painting below) urged me to revisit my aspirations even more and to re-evaluate my priorities. The birth of my baby girl (as seen in the painting above) a couple of years later consolidated my visionary directions that I had been contemplating. 

Ta-da! gm.nitai was thus born: my little enterprise, I hope, will help me circumvent the inability to maintain conventional employment.

In that spirit, I invite you to journey with me as I ply the waves of entrepreneurship.
YOU, my friend, are the encouraging wind blowing on the sails of my creative boat.

Gm.Nitai’s son Bala, with a serious look and a big backpack on this shoulders for his first day at school